Đặt câu với từ "miscount|miscounted|miscounting|miscounts"

1. The votes were deliberately miscounted.

2. The teacher miscounted the number of boys.

3. They claim some ballots were miscounted.

4. Subsequence, she starts realizing she so miscount.

5. Sorry, I miscounted - we need ten copies, not nine.

6. We've got too many chairs I must have miscounted.

7. I thought everyone was here, but I must have miscounted.

8. I thought we had enough plates for the party, but perhaps I miscounted.

9. The shopkeeper miscount, so we get twenty five bar of chocolate instead of two dozen.

10. She with assurance says:"Nearby also a lot of friends buy a wedding dress on the network, should can't have miscount."

11. Emphatically studies now the popular serial communication agreement and the serial communication electric circuit design and investigates examines the miscount method realization.

12. But his white 142 look plunders presents the significant miscount, 143 goes against by Cui Zhehan under kills excellent incurs, Liu Xing have to dices admits defeat.

13. In particular, the concern, expressed by more than one delegation, that the votes on draft decision II contained in document E/2008/32 (Part I) had been miscounted must be allayed.